Monday, December 15, 2008

4x4 #1 Amy Karol

Those of you who have the first two issues of mixtape would have seen and read my 4x4 interviews.
I really like reading about creative souls, so we have decided to make it a regular blog post.
To kick it off I asked Amy Karol if she'd mind taking some time out to answer them.

Amy's Angry Chicken blog was the first blog that I became addicted to reading back in 2005 and what lead me to start my own a few months later.

1. What is the name of your blog, and how did you come up with it?
Angry Chicken-I wish there were a funny/interesting story here. I should invent one. It's part of the title of one of my favorite small quilts. I figured the name wasn't too popular, and needed a blog name. . .that was as much thought as I gave it. I like chickens, but I am not "angry" nor have I ever thought of myself as a "chicken" although I now realize to everyone else, I AM the angry chicken. . .and I'm cool with that. I have friends now that call me "chicken" or "A.C." Both of which I love.

2. FOUR random songs on your ipod
Blind Pilot "oviedo",Bon Ivar "flume", dave holland "Claressence", Fraggle Rock "doozer knittin' song"

3. FOUR favorite books/movies
So hard to choose. Right now it's books: Lonely Werewolf Girl by Martian Millar, Lolitia by Nabokov, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon, and. . .curses. so hard to pick a last one! So, I will pick a movie. I really really love Anchorman.

4. FOUR things you can't live without
coffee (espresso), my sketchbook, my family, fabulous shoes

**extra** somewhere on the web we must visit NOW! ...........
visit here-I just saw today and am so inspired oh and here also!

Amy thanks for your time! Love your work.