Saturday, July 14, 2007

what's happening?

Well.........we've sold over 200 copies and counting of our debut issue! It feels so great to know that you all support us in this adventure, we're thrilled.
We've added email addresses to the sidebar over there----->. We welcome your feedback once you have read the zine, since this is our first time doing this we've been learning along the way. We want Mix Tape to grow with each issue so your feedback is essential.
We are already taking submissions for issue 2 so if you have anything you think would fit then please email us using the submissions email address. We will be changing the submission guidelines in the next few days so please check them out before writing your article.
We'll be getting the ball rolling with printing sometime in the next week then we'll be building up some arm muscles with all the folding and stapling we'll be doing! I think there'll be a number of movies watched while this is happening.