Friday, July 17, 2009

mixtape and whipup do dance - Issue 9 Thank-you

MixtapeZINE is made possible by people just like you and me making time to contribute/donate their work. So this post is dedicated to those who made Issue 9 possible.
Take some time out today and click on all the wonderful links below - you won't be disappointed.
So in order of how they appear in Issue 9, here we go:

Lisa Solomon COVER
Megan Young
Jodie Carleton
Ann Marie Holt
Valentina Sedda INSERT
Susie Fry
Beverley Laing
Shannon Lamden
Tracy Bell
Martine Booth
Kitty Speer
Tara Axford
Nichola Prested
Liz Parnell
Tina Tarnoff
Kathreen Ricketson
Meghan Bialk
Kylie Robson
Philippa O'Shea
Susy Pow
Margaret Nock

Thank-you all from the bottom of my heart. Also a big shout out to my man Simon for making it all look so good xx