Monday, September 15, 2008

Communtiy Spirit is Alive and Well

Neon Love promo, originally uploaded by Ro Luc.

Sime and I spent Saturday night down in Ballarat (1.5hours outta Melbourne) with our Super Special (infact TOP 5) friends Ro&Kim. They have put together a little magazine (inspired by mixtape). The magazine is called Thaw and it is all about the "underground" scene in Ballarat. It is full of art, fashion, music, movies and lots move loveliness. The launch was held at Karova Lounge, which was alot smaller than I had envisaged BUT a rockin' venue none the less. All the good bands travel down to Ballarat and play at Karova. It had a great vibe and even though I'm 100% certain Sime and I were the oldest in the room we had a GREAT night.
Well done guy's. It was great to meet all the peeps you tell us about and to see such a wicked Community Spirit! I'm just sad I didn't get to see those CUTE Neon Love boys play their proper set...

We have a few copies of THAW to give away SO tell us why community spirit is so important. We will notify winners via email.