Friday, July 6, 2007

Piecing things together

Well it's 9:30 on a Friday night, we're sitting here by the computer (all the kids are in bed) and we're organising the the layout of the first issue of Mix Tape. We have our front cover ready, designed by the famous Aunty Cookie herself which we're keeping under wraps for now, let's just say it's pretty damn fabulous and features the two of us and our girls!
Most submissions are in, and others are on their way. The next few weeks will be spent working on the layout and then printing.
Pre-order will be available very soon. You can buy from here on the Mix Tape blog, nikkishell or 62 cherry

We still have space for ads. If you wish to advertise please see here for pricing and size details then email us at mixtapezine(at)gmail(dot)com

More details to come!